Category: Research
The Distant Field Labs “Apparently” Thought-Provoking, Hard-Hitting, Overly Simplistic and Unnecessarily Blunt Attempt At Explaining The “Return to Office” Conflict.
And your beard is so … twisted
If we are what we eat, Generative AI is you.
The Field Note about command intent
In this note, we explore improving the command experience of our in-house research chat assistant with natural language command input.
Remaining Calm
Introducing a new open source project we call Calm. It is a small library of useful Apps Script functions for those developing on the Google Workspace environment.
Emotional Cancellation
Artificial Intelligence is your saviour, steadfast and true.
The Art of Augmentation
Today we are opening our new report The Great Augmentation. Within this report, we take a look at the risks, considerations and good bits of LLMs in the modern workplace. Oh, and we have licensed all our work under CC-BY-NC 4.0 to help keep innovation in the light.
Artificial Optimism in the Dead Internet
Back in 2011, the Dead Internet Theory might have seemed like little more than a digital ghost story. Fast forward to today, with large-scale bot operations, rampant misinformation campaigns, and AI-generated content increasingly interacting with other AI outputs, it’s time to reconsider.
Just a bunch of Party Analysts
We had a theory: we can better serve analysts by bringing the data to them, not the other way around. In this post we explore how we experimented with extending Google Workspace to support analyst activities in the lab.
If AI is the hammer, every problem is a nail
Today we are opening access to our report Wielding the AI Hammer. In this report we take a high level look at considerations for early adopters of AI within their organisations.
The Productivity Paradox
Cultivating Capability in the Shadow of AI.